Arora Zbar LLP provides legal services to the business world, with a specific focus on the real estate industry. We advise clients on transactions, such as the acquisition and disposition of real estate or businesses, and dispute resolution, including construction and corporate disputes. We have offices in Vancouver and Surrey, and are also equipped to serve global clients remotely.Â
We provide high quality service with a start-up mentality, which means finding new or better ways of doing things. At Arora Zbar LLP, the start-up mentality means two things: agile development of new systems; and innovating solutions for pain points. While the legal industry sometimes resists efficient tools because of the reduction in billed hours, we’re committed to adopting, and even creating, these tools.Â
Arora Zbar LLP applies agile development methodology, meaning we have the confidence in our ability to adapt new technology to improve efficiency. For example, we manage the firm using Asana, a project management tool designed primarily for software development, which we customized for our practice. The customization is ongoing, however Asana already facilitates team collaboration by allowing team members to always be up to speed on client matters ensuring a seamless client experience.
We find and fix pain points. For instance, we noticed that clients, real estate agents, and mortgage brokers lacked easy access to the closing costs associated with a home purchase. So we designed and built, a residential real estate closing cost calculator to provide clients and real estate professionals a better understanding of the total cost of a new home.Â
Arora Zbar LLP is always learning to create better ways of providing quality and efficient legal services to our clients.